By Kim Turner
NCART (National Coalition for Assistive and Rehab Technology) is a national association of suppliers and manufacturers of Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) products and services that are used by individuals with significant disabilities and medical conditions.
According to recent NCART news, on Friday December 20, 2019, President Trump signed into law H.R. 1865, one of the year-end spending bills passed in the House and Senate. The signing is important for Complex Rehab Technology (CRT) as it includes permanent protections for Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchairs and components (i.e. wheelchair accessories).
The provisions of H.R. 1865 will permanently exempt Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchairs and accessories from the Medicare Competitive Bidding Program. Additionally, there is an 18-month suspension in the current inappropriate application of competitive bidding payment rates to Complex Rehab Manual Wheelchair accessories. The suspension is effective January 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021.
The suspension allows the important discussions to continue with the congressional supporters in order to achieve a permanent resolution.
If you have questions about providing and billing complex rehab wheelchairs, please contact The van Halem Group today for help.