CMS recently updated the 855-S DMEPOS supplier application, effective January 9, 2023. The new form can be found on the CMS Forms List and is currenlty being accepted for new enrollments and changes of information.
The National Provider Enrollment DME contractors (NPEs) will accept the current and revised versions of the CMS-855S through April 7, 2023. After April 7, 2023, only the revised application will be accepted. To prevent your application from being rejected, please make sure you are using the most current form.
The updated 855-S includes the following changes:
- Added Medical Record Correspondence Address to Section 4B2
- Revised Section 2E: Products and Accreditation Information to collect whether the supplier fills orders, fabricates or fits items by contracting with other companies.
Changes to your provider enrollment file can also be made online by registering in PECOS (Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System).
Did you know the experts at The van Halem Group are available to assist you with both new enrollments and changes to your enrollment file? Contact us today to learn more!